The control key or Ctrl has a similar function in Windows. The command key or ⌘ symbol on the Mac was first introduced in 1980. These keys perform special functions such as copy, paste, save, and print. There are several modifier keys for both Mac and Windows.
Symbol Name £ pound sign, pound sterling ¢ cent sign, cents € euro sign ¥ yen sign ∞ infinity § section ¶ paragraph ™ trademark © copyright ® registered trademark º degree ≠ not equal sign, inequality ≈ approximately symbol Modifier Keys for Mac and Windows Some of the following characters are accessed by either keyboard keys, shortcuts, or inserting symbols. There are additional symbols on international keyboards.

period, decimal, dot / slash, forward slash angle brackets greater than ? question mark Additional Symbols Symbol Name brackets, square brackets close bracket close brace \ backslash, backward slash | vertical pipe, pipe semicolon : colon ‘ apostrophe, prime, single quote “ quotation mark, double quotes, comma. These include punctuation and other symbols. There are also special characters on the right of the keyboard.
Keyboard Symbols on the Top Row Symbol Name ` grave accent, back tick, back quote ~ tilde ! exclamation mark, exclamation point at, at sign, at symbol # pound, hash, number $ dollar sign, generic currency % percent sign ^ carat & and, ampersand * asterisk ( open parenthesis, left parenthesis ) close parenthesis, right parenthesis ( ) parentheses, round brackets – hyphen, minus sign, dash _ underscore = equal sign + plus sign Symbols on the Right Side First, let’s look at the symbols on the top row where the number keys are located. Here is the list of common keyboard symbols and their names.